CKC Dog Show Order Forms

Feel free to use download our CKC dog show orders forms or, if it’s easier, just type out the information in an email. We require the QUANTITY, STYLE, COLORS and AWARD AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT PRINTED for each award. If you aren’t sure of what you are going to need we are happy to work with you on your close date: please submit your main order 8 or so weeks in advance with what you know for sure you are going to need so we can get that portion of your order into production. (Please note we cannot subtract rosettes once they have gone into production.) After close, please submit your add ons as a completely separate order ASAP. One add on is included in the setup fee. Additional add ons are subject to a $15 processing fee. Please note there will also be rush fees if add ons are received with less than five business days (not including shipping). We may have to rush ship too depending on the time line. Thank you!

PS: Reminder to please let us know your show date and if adds are required we will also need to know your close date. Thanks 🙂

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